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Norens (for Derry)



Norens for Derry
Lime, fibreglass, horsehair and wood mounted on ceiling

Norens (for Derry) is my first site-specific installation which explores the CCA gallery space as liminal experience extended from the Derry City Walls. Opposed to the Wall as a manifestation of closed system of both protection and alienation, the installation seeks to dissolve the material suggestion of social hierarchy by deconstructing the components of traditional masonry wall and displaying them in space to allow for new meanings and interpretations. The installation is expressed in reference to Noren, an architectural dividing element used in Japan for filtering external substances - sunlight, wind, and dust and signifying a change in spatial identity, and is here arranged to generate ambiguous edges in the exhibition space. As constituent parts of mortaring and plastering structure, lime, fiberglass and horsehair are presented as norens to reexamine the idea of porosity, breathability and strength. They are staged to be distinct entities separating from and disowning their belonging identity.

Work in progress images by author

Kills 99.9% of Bacteria
Centre for Contemporary Art Derry~Londonderry, N20th Janurary - 10th March 2018
Curated by Alissa Kleist
Image Courtesy of Paola Bernardelli